hI have wanted to record the mantra of Sangye Menla, the Medicine Buddha, for a long time, and today is perfect because according to the Tibetan calendar tomorrow is the day of the Medicine Buddha and Tara. Through the recitation of this mantra and the practice of the meditation of Sangye Menla, may all beings be freed from physical and mental illnesses (the root of physical illnesses) and from the fundamental root of all suffering: ignorance.
This is the healing mantra of Sangye Menla, medicine Buddha: Tayata om bekhadze bekhadze maha bekhadze radza samungate soha : 👉 https://music.dusumsangtong.com/medicine_Buddha_Menla_mantra You can recite the mantra for a while visualizing that healing rays of light from the Menla Buddha reach the people you know who are sick or suffering from pain or difficulties and they are free from all suffering. You can also meditate on the Medicine Buddha when you are sick and visualize that the rays of light from the Buddha cleanse and free the affected areas of your body or any illness that you or the beings you visualize have.
Siddharta Gautama was a human being who achieved enlightenment (or Awakening, or Buddhahood) through the practice of meditation with the aim of being able to help other beings free themselves from suffering by also reaching that awakened state of mind; from that time on he was known as Shakyamuni Buddha.
Its message of peace, omniscience, motivation and solidarity endures to this day, being the fourth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar, known as 'Saga Dawa' (in Tibetan) or 'Vesak' or 'Wesak' (in Sanskrit), very important in Buddhism: the birth, enlightenment and paranirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha is commemorated, and the result of all the actions we perform is considered to be greatly multiplied. That is why in this period the practice of Chenrezig is especially carried out and the mantra 'Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hung' is accumulated with the intention of accumulating a large amount of virtue for the benefit of all beings. If you want to join in reciting mantras in the great accumulation of Chenrezig Om Mani Padme Hung mantras during these days of Saga Dawa at the Dag Shang Kagyu Buddhist center (Panillo, Spain), this is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIKxphlxb3BUhY6T_PU71YrqvY_2Ydve934ZlIjgd3bbqWcA/viewform As the lamas always remember, it is a short mantra, very easy to remember, only 6 syllables, but very powerful, and very beneficial: Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hung Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hung Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hung... Listen and learn more about Chenrezig mantra here: https://www.dusumsangtong.com/chenrezig-meditation-mantra-om-mani-padme-hung-live.html In Tibetan Buddhism, the lama (from the Tibetan བླ་མ་, teacher or spiritual guide) is an "authority on doctrine," a spiritual teacher, someone capable of showing others the unequivocal path to liberation and enlightenment.
"Lama" is a title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan word "Lama" means "highest principle", and less literally "highest mother" or "highest parent" to show close relationship between teacher and student. “Khyenno” means “please think of me”. With this, we remember the lama again and again, constantly keeping in mind the positive qualities of the lama and praying to him or her. This video is a precious gem to listen, reflect on and meditate: teachings by Kyabje Dorje Chang Kalu Rinpoche Karma Rangjung Khunkhyab 🙏 Get inspired by new age music with warm blessed healing sounds.
Concentrate and pacify the mind by reconnecting with your true nature. Relax, expand your mind and open your heart to bring peace to the world. Music to focus and calm down. Start your inner journey! Listen & share here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/62EYov1T22orJny4xJZyXW?si=b8a004eaa83b4b1cit. "In general, the mantras are in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is considered not a human language, but a divine one. If we think about it, each language comes from the energy of each country (German is impregnated with German energy, Italian with Italian energy, etc). But Sanskrit came from this other energy, a divine, or enlightened energy. So when you recite the mantras, when you make the sounds of the mantra, for example "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha", there is a blessing just in those sounds: the Sanskrit alphabet is a mantra.
"Both women and men have the same spiritual potential and the same capacities for realization.
A long time ago, Tara was a woman who made the promise to attain Buddhahood to benefit beings infinitely. Green Tara and Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha mantra. The meaning of divinity in Tibetan Buddhism25/2/2023 Green Tara mantra OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA was the first mantra I learned. The psychotherapist who helped me a few years ago taught me. He recommended reciting him everything I could between the sessions, and since I wanted to be better, I thought: "I have nothing to lose, let's give it a try". I recited it as I traveled by subway, while showering and whenever I could.
"🔸In Tibetan Buddhism, the divinity is not an external, worldly deity, but a divinity that arises within us, it comes from our interior because it is our true nature, the state of Buddha, and therefore establishing a connection with it is of great benefit . By reciting the mantra Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha we create a connection with Tara, which is our true nature, thus pacifying afflictive emotions and obstacles that we have. Purifying negativities the last day of the Tibetan year with Vajrasattva 100 syllables mantra21/2/2023 Last night, before Losar day (Tibetan new year), music came to my mind while singing 100 syllabes of Dorje Sempa mantra (Vajrasattva mantra) with some rhythm inspired by the sound of the mantra.
I decided to record it before going to bed. I thought: "It seems a good idea to work on this today, so I can purify obscurations singing the Vajrasattva mantra in the last day of the Tibetan year 2149, and start tomorrow the new year 'very clean'". Why not? LOSAR Tibetan New Year 2150 ☸ WATER HARE
LOSAR TASHI DELEK "Losar" means: new year; and "Tashi Delek": may all signs in this environment be auspicious. "Losar Tashi Delek" is the usual way in which the new year is congratulated in Tibetan Buddhism. |
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