hI have wanted to record the mantra of Sangye Menla, the Medicine Buddha, for a long time, and today is perfect because according to the Tibetan calendar tomorrow is the day of the Medicine Buddha and Tara. Through the recitation of this mantra and the practice of the meditation of Sangye Menla, may all beings be freed from physical and mental illnesses (the root of physical illnesses) and from the fundamental root of all suffering: ignorance.
This is the healing mantra of Sangye Menla, medicine Buddha: Tayata om bekhadze bekhadze maha bekhadze radza samungate soha : 👉 https://music.dusumsangtong.com/medicine_Buddha_Menla_mantra You can recite the mantra for a while visualizing that healing rays of light from the Menla Buddha reach the people you know who are sick or suffering from pain or difficulties and they are free from all suffering. You can also meditate on the Medicine Buddha when you are sick and visualize that the rays of light from the Buddha cleanse and free the affected areas of your body or any illness that you or the beings you visualize have.
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January 2025